Nightvision shortly in English


Shortest: music in Soundcloud


We wanted to write in short, who we are and what this page is about.

Our Lord God specifically asked us to do these mainly in our native language against our own preferences... We, as many in Finland, have been trained and groomed to be a part of the American-global-NWO-family since childhood, and even with long roots and lineages in Finland, have still felt it more natural to make our music, for example, in english. But as Samuli has been designing his books for the last decade, he actually discovered it to be quite difficult to write his ideas in finnish and through this problem we found it extremely important to do our own little part of preserving the colourful and rich culture of our language. Milla also found in a new, clearer light, the strong love and appreciation for her cultural heritage that was so long lost behind the courtain of depression, among other things.

We are going to translate the books and all the rest in ENG, but as our Father has told us, it will have to wait. And no-way-in-hell we'll use the G-trans-lator to ease that task, nor encourage anyone to do so. Several languages can not be translated by a machine and at the same time sound even remotely level-headed, and no matter how well someone constructs a hyper-efficient calculator/search engine, there are some things an imitation of a human worker will never get right. And even though there are plenty of loud techno fetishists that are trying to tell us a different story, it's okay that a machine can't do everything a human can (or vice versa)! A tool is a tool for a reason and the modern day obsession of robotic servants is nothing more than a greedy corporate ruse to get rid of all the pesky workers who demand such inconvenient things as human rights, have moral dilemmas concerning the working conditions of the workers in the lower end (not to mention the mind control of the customer through hypnotic marketing tactics), are questioning the absolute authority of the shareholder controlled CEO or have the occasional family emergencies that can never be fully calculated in the profit equation.

The saddest part is when a lazyminded consumer falls for this ruse because of the desperate addiction to his/her smart-machine that the thought about such concerns is simply too uncomfortable to consider...

So, to the topic.

We are a married couple, born in 1987 (the innuendo-driven generation of either secret genetic alien takeover, government funded mutant experiment on the embryos of unwitting pregnant women or simply the most brain damaged of the century, take your pick), and we have a history in the field of "the school of life", that was cured by the cross, and now we are healing and trying to make something worthwhile with the time we have left in this world.

Our former life consisted of using different methods to deal with the anxieties and hatred that had formed throughout our so called normal existence, and from the wakeup-call of Jesus Christ, aside from the obvious shock of realizing the truth of the "house of cards"-nature of the old and new-normal, we learned a few things.

For example, that even though the direction, target and methods of dealing with our anger were misguided, many of the reasons for them were justified. Sometimes in the most surprising of ways!

(One example was the hatred for churches that actually was inspired by the Holy Spirit from the very beginning. Almost all churches, as it turns out, do not represent the teachings of the Bible but the teachings of the new world order.)

So we started a process of dealing with those reasons and also dealing with the possibility that some of those reasons were actually not even important enough to be angry in the first place (making the act of carrying the bitterness around your neck even that much more futile).

We began the long road in learning how to face the situations that reality constantly offers (while actually being sober!), how to (or at least try to learn how to) forgive in order to get rid of the reasons for suffering in bitterness and how to fight against the mechanisms of personality disorders during this so called golden age of couragious freedom of expression, by (drum rolls, please) talking about those reasons (to root out the chains of events for pathological behaviour).

And as we have been wallowing and mapping the twists of not only our individual psyches but also the symptoms of humanity "in general", we are, by the Lords demand, bound to do our best to share some of our thoughts. And that's why we make music, comics, paintings, stories and some blogposts. If we get a chance, we'll try to make a multimedia of the Jalostettu Kuolema -book series, but we'll see about that. We would try to do them anyway in our own ways, cause that's how we are built... But now we have the benefit of asking the Holy Spirit for guidance so that at least we would have a chance of making these things to be something more than just an exploitative, shock value driven, cheap entertainment. The only question now remains; how well do we listen?

Maybe some day someone will get some inspiration to aim for healing while listening/reading some of our thoughts... And start to ask their own questions from Jesus the Christ.

And, maybe the stories may also be entertaining ;D

Milla & Samuli

Published 2.4.2024

Updated 2.4.2024

Link added 10.04.2024

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